Thursday, August 13, 2009

Media's "Trivialization" threatens Secretary Clinton's credibility during vital missions

Current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, despite a respectable presidential campaign last year and appointment by the Obama administration to her current position, finds herself facing the same old undermining from the media. The irony is painful as Clinton works to end systematic abuse of women across the world while being the target of jokes and innuendos in what should be respectable news and media outlets.

Judith Warner of the New York Times notes that in recent weeks media outlets are quick to mock Clinton now as much as ever. The ceaseless jokes about her temper, her hair and body, and the intimate details of her marriage send a poor message to the rest of the world. How is Clinton meant to motivate any of these countries she is currently visiting, where horrific abuse of women is a dire fact of life, to change when she is mocked and derided in the global media for such petty reasons?

Hillary Fights a Tide of Trivialization (

UPDATE: The excellent Latoya Peterson of and tackles many of these issues in a more in-depth article:

Hillary Clinton, Women's Rights and Colluding With Global Misogyny

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